How is JG Pears Generating Renewable Energy Using Biomass?

Through the development of the combined heat and power plant (CHP) at Newark, JG Pears is generating renewable energy. Our use of renewable biomass fuel significantly reduces the carbon footprint of JG Pears and helps us on the path to achieving a sustainable net zero carbon future.

Considering the use of renewables, the Newark rendering site is provided with renewable heat and electricity and is currently at net carbon zero when using Scope 1 and 2 criteria. We are a benchmark for the other sites and the rest of industry to follow, whilst also significantly contributing to the UK Government's Industrial Decarbonisation Strategy.

By generating renewable energy, we contribute to the growing percentage of green electricity available on the grid for use in homes, retail, and other manufacturing. This supply is unaffected by wind or sunshine.

In addition to renewable power from biomass,  JG Pears also owns 8.1 MW of wind generation at Spicer Hill Windfarm.

Renewable Energy to Destroy Odours.

A major potential environmental impact of the processing of animal by-products is the natural odour profile of the raw material and the resulting cooking vapours. Whilst the Newark site is already using Best Available Techniques to treat the odours produced, one of the other benefits of the renewable energy CHP plant is that it can be used for virtually complete destruction of odorous vapours. This produces clean emissions which are continuously monitored using sophisticated state of the art systems.

Generating Renewable Fertilisers.

Combustion of meat and bone meal (MBM) has other advantages for the environment. Currently farmers need to use fertilisers to promote crop production in the UK. These fertilisers are mined, often from far across the globe and are a finite, non-renewable resource, meaning we will one day run out of them.  The burning of MBM in the CHP plant produces ash which is very rich in natural phosphorus and potassium. This can be used as a base for renewable and sustainable fertiliser production for our farmers.

The Wider Picture.

Generating renewable energy at JG Pears has multiple environmental and sustainable benefits, ranging from direct reductions in the company's environmental footprint, to the macro-level of helping drive UK Government strategic targets on carbon emissions.

But importantly, JG Pears is providing direct improvements that not only helps reduce our impacts on neighbours, but also provides tangible renewable electricity for our homes, and enables the food we eat to be produced in a more sustainable way.

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